Kim Sedgwick (she/her)
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Leader
Hi, I’m Kim.
I was introduced to the concept of Non-Violent Communication by my grade seven teacher (thank you, Nancy!) Around the same time I discovered Dan Savage’s advice column and The Sunday Night Sex Show, and inherited my mother’s well-worn copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves.
Growing up in a sex-positive environment led to some lively dinnertime conversations, including discussions about attachment theory and bisexuality. Friends started to come to me for advice on sexuality and relationships.
I studied Gender and Women’s Studies at Dalhousie and spent my free time perusing the shelves of Venus Envy, a sexuality store that inspired me to open Red Tent Sisters (RTS) with my sister in 2007. Running RTS gave me the opportunity to talk to hundreds of women about their intimate lives, whether it was in our store, at tradeshows, or through workshops. Conversations would often start with, “I’ve never told anyone this before…”

Why I Became a Coach
A friend told me about CTI (Co-Active Training Institute) and when I read the line “we are all naturally creative, resourceful, and whole” I got goosebumps. So many women had come into Red Tent Sisters and shared that they felt ‘broken.’ The CTI model offered an approach that wasn’t about someone or something external “fixing” you.
Coaching empowers you to find your own answers.
I became a Certified Co-Active Coach in 2018 and now I work with clients from around the world, with a focus on helping women ditch the idea they need to be “nice” (aka, a people-pleaser) and find their voice. Coaching is a natural evolution of what I’ve been doing my whole life.
Featured In
Career Highlights
Featured in Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, and Huffington Post
Guest on Sex Matters, Cosmo TV, and Bringing Sexy Back
Recurring "sexpert” on the Bedpost stage show
Interviewed on over a dozen podcasts
Co-founder of the first eco-friendly sex store,
Panelist for trade shows and events
Blogger and Vlogger
Featured in the book The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World
I am committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. My impact may not always align with my intent. If that happens, I will own my mistake and offer a genuine apology.
I endeavor to show up with an open mind. This means listening more than I talk, especially when interacting with folks from marginalized communities.
I spent most of my life shying away from hard conversations. I was terrified of conflict. I still am! But I’m more scared of staying silent and complacent.
We each have unique skills we can leverage to support social change. For more on this, I highly recommend Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Ecosystem.
I subscribe to a “growth mindset.” If we learn from our mistakes (see above about accountability), there is no such thing as failure.
This quote by Maya Angelou beautifully sums up my take on compassion: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Trainings & Certifications
2023 Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work leader, Gottman Institute
2023 - Present Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, Yorkville University
2018 Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
Professional Influences
Brené Brown: The phrase “clear is kind” solidified my understanding of why clear communication is so important.
Emily Nagoski: Her approach to libido mismatch changed how I work with clients.
Polysecure: When working with polyamorous clients, I draw on Jessica Fern’s attachment framework.
Five Love Languages: The website is super heteronormative, but I think the idea of different love languages (touch, words of affirmation, quality time) is useful.
Ev’Yan Whitney: As a sexuality doula, Ev’Yan focuses on decolonizing and liberating sexuality with a focus on pleasure and embodiment.
Esther Perel: Esther has an insightful explanation for why desire fades in long-term relationships (and tips for how to address it).
Click below to read about my coaching practice