
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


I am committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. My impact may not always align with my intent. If/when that happens, I will own my mistake and offer a genuine apology.


I endeavor to show up with an open mind. This means listening more than I talk, especially when interacting with folks from marginalized communities.


I spent most of my life shying away from hard conversations. I was terrified of conflict. I still am! But I’m more scared of staying silent and complacent.


We each have unique skills we can leverage to support social change. Activism can take many forms. For more on this, I highly recommend Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Ecosystem.


I subscribe to a “growth mindset.” If we learn from our mistakes (see above about accountability), there is no such thing as failure.


This quote by Maya Angelou beautifully sums up my take on compassion: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”